
Those dutchbags down at the Gen Ed Office (Retard Development Center) have screwed me again. In an alarming turn of events they have decided not to offer me credit for PHYS 221, only for PHYS 220 – which, conveniently, is not available unless you are willing to whore yourself out to whichever academic wizard controls class scheduling here. Probably the same guy that’s responsible for the disappearance of the beloved Tan M&M. But that is a story for another time.


The only class I like so far is the one about Russia – what is my affinity for Collapsed Fascist and Socialist States? I think its the uniforms.

I also have a sneaking suspicion that my aquarium is leaking, but so slowly that I cannot pinpoint the leak without holding it up and shaking the tank like so many naughty infants. Screw it, I want one of those Hexagon tanks anyway, so I can pursue geometric perfection in the Sea, as well as on land.


Enjoy this comical image of Billy Mack – my new favorite rock star (I don’t recall having one before, but If I did – it was not Justin Timberlake.)


Mikey, DJ interviewer: What’s the best shag you’ve ever had?
Billy Mack: Britney Spears. No, only kidding, she was rubbish.

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