Going to War
It has been asked whether or not I would go to War if in some
hypothetical instance I was drafted, and my answer is yes.
don’t enjoy fighting, that’s for sure, and I’m probably not much for
marksmanship. I think George W. Bush is borderline retarded and
the War with Iraq is really just a crusade for Oil consumed by
Americans totally unnecessary sport utility vehicles and outdated
industrial operations. I don’t enjoy shooting people for no reason
other than the fact that I’m in a different army than them, and I
don’t see why soldiers should have to pay the ultimate price for
something they will never receive.
So why would I go? Because I don’t want someone to go in my place.
I don’t feel its my duty to fight in a US Sanctioned War, but I do
feel its my duty to prevent someone else from dying in a war that I
wouldn’t participate in. At first it would feel great to avoid
it, "Hey, I don’t have to fight in this stupid war, I claimed I was
blind in my left eye and they said I was unfit to serve. I’m
protesting this war, and I refuse to be a part of it."
What happens
when they send another guy in place of you? What happens when your
neighbors gets a telegram telling them their son died in a fight over
some worthless pile of sand?
Can you look them in the eye and say,
"So what? I’m opposed to the War."
I couldn’t do that. I just
Remember, it is your duty to protest an unjust or
unnecessary war, but protest doesn’t guarantee that there will be a
peaceful resolution.