Line Up
“It’s the best feeling in the world when you meet new friends that
you can’t stand to be without. That you constantly want to impress to
make them like you even more. They make you hope everyday that they
won’t leave you. Until that day when they actually do, and you’re lost
without them. You can’t think about anything else but when you’re
going to see them again.” -Anonymous
“Trust no one. Not your closest advisors, your spouse, your
brother, your God. Trust only yourself, or you will face pain everyday
of your life.”� – Yul Brynner, The Ten Commandments
These two quotes are representative of two periods in my life. The
Yul Brynner quote especially has a cynical tone to it but is, none the
less, true. Going through life without a friend, not� a single
friend, but dozens of acquaintances is the hardest thing in the world
for anyone who has had to endure it.�
Yes, he is prematurely bald. You know who you |
On a lighter note, Yul Brynner is the master.
The Following Quotes are From 1960’s The
Magnifecent Seven, where Yul Brynner (Chris) and 6 others are
hired as gunfighters to protect a small farming village from a group
of Desert Raiders.
[The village Calvera’s raiding has
Calvera: New wall.
Chris: Lots of new walls, all around.
Calvera: They won’t keep me out!
Chris: They were built to keep you in
Last Line:
Chris: The old man was right. Only the farmers won.�We
lost. We always lose.