Red Skull

Alright, My site got moved across servers without notice, so I was
down for awhile. MySQL DB’s, Config.php, and Usernames are now burned
into my tortured soul.

Moving On……Right Now I am as Red as the “Red Skull” but with
significantly less evil. Sadly, My Team is losing.

Harv and I wallow in our Sorrow at halftime.

Shortly Thereafter we Proceeded to Lakeside with Evan.

Apparently, the Red Skull brought us luck. At lakeside we won the
“Hourly” Drawing for March Madness and came into possession of much
junkfood, a T-Shirt, Gatorade, and assorted JMU branded merchandise.

Random Quote Time!


Today I was in Charlottesville where I did nothing, but the car ride
was worth it.

Yesterday, I sat through an entire class of COB 202 where the guy
sitting next to me smelled like Hot Dogs.

Me: “Does anyone smell hot dogs?”

Kevin: “I was grilling.”

Me: “You son of a bitch. Why must you taunt me?”


Tonight (10:00 ish, Lakeside)

Girls: (Giggling, then Stare at Me)

Me: “I am the Redskull!”



PJ: “Do you think they have pottery classes here?”

Me: “In Calhouns? No, I don’t believe so.”



Steve: “Have fun with Charlie Batch!”



Jerry: (Driving like a madman) “There’s gotta be a way out of here!”

Harv: “There’s a sidewalk. Lets Drive through there.”


Ok, enough quoting. Anyone who’s reading this: feel free to comment on
this story with hilarious quotes.

See it’s funny, because no one posts comments but e-dawg and myself.

In Other News:

– So little sleep, so much PHP

– Red Paint is burning my skull, but in a good way

– Crazy Wild Dreams must be a result of Business of late

No Middle Fingers! It’s Overdone. At least be creative.

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