You ever think about where you are in life? Why some people smoke
up all the time? Why others devote their waking hours to studying? Why
some people never get around to doing much of anything with their
Yeah, neither do I. People are just nuts.
Hans Gruber is giving
me the glare from approximately 22 inches away. Hans, Booby, I’m your
white knight. Speaking of Hans, I hear Alan Rickman is a pretty cool
guy. I wonder if he needs an errand boy.
I played “Poke” with
some random frisbee club guy a couple nights ago. Looking back on it:
What the hell was I thinking? Was I wearing a pink shirt? Was that
guys name really “basic?”
Events on the horizon include: Forklifts,
Brakes, Making Passionate Love to a Caterer, Getting the crap beaten
out of me by a rich business man, and Finding True Happiness. No wait,
that’s Kieren Caulkin.
Man, I’ve been hit hard by some
baseballs in my life. Some of ’em were in the facial region, but
nothing like this:
Look at the SHARDS MAN! THE SHARDS! I’d consider myself pretty lucky
that I’m not dead If I were him. I mean, those helmets are meant to
“stay in one piece”, and the fact that it blew apart is rather telling
of the balls speed.
Cool Image
Man, I really need to get back into a sport. I miss the pain of the
game – it tells you you’re alive. I;m thinking……..Baseball? And
hey, brings back memories of Jesse bruising the bejesus out of my
femur with his wild fu$%ing pitches. I think I just want to wear a
cast. I missed out on it as a kid.
In Other News:
– UK Import Clash, Baby
– Should probably go home after school ends.
– 2 more years baby, 2 more god damn good years. I realized that this
– When you get married – smoking up is a lot
Ripley: Lieutenant what do those pulse
rifles fire?
Gorman: 10 millimeter explosive tip caseless, Standard light armor
piercing round. Why?
Ripley: Well look where your team is, they’re right under the central
cooling towers.
Gorman: So?
Ripley: So if they fire their rifles won’t they puncture the cooling
Burke: Whoa, whoa, yeah she’s right.
Gorman: So, so what?
Burke: Look that cooling tower is just basically a big nuclear
reactor, right? So she’s saying one puncture in a line and “Adios,
Gorman: Oh great, wonderful. Shit!! Uh, look, Apone we can’t have any
firing going on in there, I uh, I want you to collect ammunition from
everyone. Fire units only I want rifles slung.
Hudson: Is he fu$%in crazy?!!
Frost: What are we supposed to use, man, bad language?
Notice how I censor my writing (fu*&)? I do it for the
kids people. Think of the kids.