Two Toasters is Unheard Of
The most perplexing thing in my life right now,
Beyond the Mysteries of Life and Death,
Beyond The Intricacies of Space and Time,
Beyond the success of Bottled Water,
it is……
The Two (2) Toasters in my kitchen.
I can understand the practical reason for having a second toaster – in order to make toast twice as fast. However, where would this need for “double toast speed” come from? Not to mention, the mysterious seond toaster?
My primitive human brain cannot comprehend an answer for either of those questions, but I have compiled a “possible” list for the Toasters Existence:
(1) The Toaster was used in a sort of “Toast Making Party” not unlike a Cocktail Party, but this one featured Toast
(2) A time limit was placed on a Triple Decker BLT – such that it must be constructed in less than the toasting time for a typical slice of bread (+ 30 Seconds for Assembly, obviously, since a BLT cannot be preapared entirely inside the aforementioned toaster – trust me, I’ve tried it, and it gets messy) which would necessitate the second toaster.
(3) The toaster was placed there by God, as a challenge, to prove my worth.
Ony the Penitent Man Will Pass |
Well, I tried somersaulting by it with Dad’s Grail Diary – but I was rewarded with neither Everlasting Life nor a Duel With the Last Remaining Grail Knight. Alas.
Instead, my reward was a bruise much like the one incurred perviously whilst I was couch Jumping (Videos Off Topic)
My Awesome Couch Jump (Video)
PJ’s Pitiful and Uninspired Attempt to Imitate me (Video)
I sit Puzzled (and with three Broken Ribs)
Perhaps, tis not for man to know the origins of Toaster Number 2.
(Also, someone tell me how to fix redeye in Photoshop)
In Other News:
– Buckeyes Win = Suck It Ferentz
– I have slept in a Truck Cab
– Anyone Want to Buy a 17 Inch Flat Screen CRT?
– Windows? Itunes? Wha?
– Business Benchmark #2 = Done
– Tomasayu Hotei
Movie Time:
Haha, a Picture with Indiana Jones and Adolf Hitler. Two Birds with One Stone Indeed.