Picture Lady
Thus begins the Great Picture Weirdness of Our Time:
…(Conversation prior to this point was uneventful)…
Me: “Yeah, Alright”
Picture-Taking Lady: “Now sit still and I’ll count one, two, three – but remain still for a few more seconds, or the camera gets a little fuzzy.”
Me: “Sure.”
Picture-Taking Lady: “Smile.”
Me: (I grudgingly half-smirk, but its half assed – since I hate pictures of me smiling)
Picture-Taking Lady: “You look like youre stoned.”
……….(Several Awkward Seconds Elapse)…..
Me: “Ring-A Ding Ding?”
Picture-TakingLady: “Yeah, it’s a friday afternoon, It’s college after all.”
Me: “I can’t believe that you actually said that. I mean, I’m a serious student – I usually study on friday nights.”
Picture-Taking Lady: “Yeah.”
Me: “Wicked Awesome!”
Jerry: “I’m scared of the picture lady, now. ‘
Me: “So am I, Jerry, so am I…………RUN!”
Oh yeah, I look kinda like kevin Rose.