
Today I Learned 3 Important Things:

1) Buyng Sheets of Lexan Can Be a cost-effective way of making your own
picture frames. However, you must be willing to become a
glass smith.

2) Colored (or “Festive”) Lightbulbs can turn any dreary, unimaginative
apartment into a dreary, unimaginative apartment , except now it looks
like a serial killer lives there.

3) It’s never too late for a random party to start in your apartment.
I’m talking 3 am and not ending until daylight. All I know is I went to
bed at 1, woke up and found 80 empty cans, then went back to bed.
I think I remember someone talking about Poultry.


[Bellamy tells
him he’s behind enemy lines]

Oddball: So they tell
me. Everybody round here is very friendly. Look, baby, I’m kinda hung
up. I need sixty feet of bridge.

Hey, kid, they haven’t got you in the nut ward again?

Ah, Bellamy, for cryin’ out loud. That’s the the stinking, most awful,
stupid joke and you’re always pullin’ that stinking awful stupid joke.

You don’t want in this thing, you
don’t get in this thing. I cut you in on everything. I don’t need you.
Sixty feet of bridge I can get almost anywhere. Schmuck!

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