
Posted in Random on February 5th, 2004 by admin

Check this out….

When I went to bed I was the perfect specimen of manhood, when I awoke,
This was the case:

Note: Eyeball is actual size

I hope this means I’m turning into some kind of uber-human.

I hope it doesnt mean I have cancer.


I did have a dream about being a Garbage Man, and this looks like the
eyeball of a particularly dirty garbage man.

Also, I had a dream about being stabbed in the eye with a needle. Was
it like being in the Matrix, where If I think I’m getting needled in
the eye then I really do?


Posted in Random on February 4th, 2004 by admin

Sure, you could laugh at me and say things like,

“He’s they guy who measured his apartment to see if he could fit a
scale version of the X-Wing Fighter from Star Wars inside, assuming the
landing gear was retracted. He, good sir, as a pizza would be the
‘Loser Supreme'”


“Yes, I’ve spoken to him on many occasions, Each occasion more
depressing and fu$%boggling then the last.”

However,  I may be the first to know that, yes, I could fit an
X-Wing in here, and , indeed,, the phrase, “F^*boggle” was coined and
will forever be mine.

Go ahead, Cure Cancer, Colonize the Solar System. Where it counts, I’ve
already won.*

* – Only Monkeys read the asterisk.


Posted in Random on February 3rd, 2004 by admin

Indulge My Patrick Stewart Affinity for a Few Minutes…

[ young Man enters Sexy Cakes bakery ]

Baker: Hi! Welcome to Sexy Cakes, the erotic bakery.

Young Man: I walk by this place, I never thought I’d go inside it.

Baker: Well, I think you’ll find that it’s a little more fun than an
ordinary bakery.

Young Man: Yeah, my friend’s having a bachelor party, and I thought it
might be kind of fun if I got him an erotic cake.

Baker: Well, you have come to the right place. I have the perfect sexy
cake for a bachelor party. [ opens box ] Oh, what about this one. What
do you think?

Young Man: Looks like a woman going to the bathroom.

Baker: Yeah! It’s very sexy!

Young Man: What else do you have?

Baker: Oh, I understand.. it’s not, perhaps, your cup of tea. Perhaps,
maybe this sexy cake might be more up your alley. [ opens box ]

Young Man: This is the exact same cake.

Baker: No, no, no.. this is chocolate.

Young Man: Yeah, but it’s still a woman going to the bathroom.

Baker: Exactly! [ customers walk in ] Oh.. could you excuse me for a

Gay Guy 1: Hi, we’re here to pick up our cake.

Gay Guy 2: [ sighs ] Yes, the man-on-man lemon meringue.

Baker: Right. [ retrieves cake ] I took a little artistic license with
this one, but, well, I think you’ll enjoy the results.

Gay Guy 1: Hey, this is a woman going to the bathroom.

Baker: Yeah, it’s very exciting, isn’t it? That’ll be $15.

Gay Guy 1: We wanted a cake of two guys having sex.

Baker: Yeah, I know.. I guess you could say I sexied it up for you! No
extra charge.

Gay Guy 2: [ whispering to his buddy ] The party’s tonight.. [ to Baker
] We’ll take it.

Baker: Thank you! [ customers leave, returns to Young Man ] Uh, you’ll
have to excuse me, it has been like this all day.

Young Man: What other types of cakes do you have?

Baker: Well, why don’t we take a look at our catalogue.. [ opens
catalogue ] Now, you see this, it shows every sexy, titilating cake we
offer. Oh, now here’s a woman squatting behind some bushes – the leaves
are made of spun sugar. And.. [ laughs ] ..here’s a lady using a little
mazipan port-o-potty.

Young Man: So, all your cakes are women going to the bathroom?

Baker: Yeah. What’s your point?

Young Man: Well, don’t you have anything else?

Baker: Maybe you don’t understand – this is an erotic bakery.

Young Man: I’m sorry, I just don’t find this very erotic.

Baker: A woman gonig to the bathroom, you don’t find it erotic?

Young Man: No, not really.

Baker: Well, then, what, pray tell, would you suggest we do put on our
erotic cakes?

Young Man: I don’t know.. people having sex.. female and male
genitalia.. you know, something like that.

Baker: Well, if that’s what you’re after, I suggest you try Hostess or
Sara Lee!

Young Man: Can’t you just make a cake with a couple on it having sex?

Baker: Alright, look, I’ll tell you what I’ll do.. I will make a cake
with a woman and a man going to the bathroom. And, that way, you’ll be
happy, and your friends will be happy.

Young Man: I don’t think my friends would like that, either.

Baker: Well, I would certainly like to meet these friends of yours

Young Man: Look, could we just have a cake with sex and no going to the

Baker: May I remind you that you are going to have to eat this cake?

Young Man: I’ll tell you what – just give me a regular cake with
nothing on it.

Baker: [ closes catalogue abruptly ] I’m sorry. I’m going to have to
ask you to leave.

Young Man: Why?

Baker: This is some kind of joke, isn’t it? Who put you up to this, a
fraternity?! You get out! Go on, get out of here, young man!

[ Young Man runs out of the bakery ]

[ Woman enters bakery ]

Woman: Hi. Um.. it’s my fiance’s birthday.. um, can I get a cake shaped
like a woman going to the bathroom?

Baker: Ab-so-lutely! [ winks at camera ]


I don’t know why, but after talking to Riechers this morning, The
Erotic Cakery just came to mind.

It seems to me like Riechers would be the kind of person to become an
erotic cake baker.

Plus, Patrick Stewart is a Dreamboat.


Also, My Bill Murray Poster came today. I am going to frame it
and place it next to my Ron Livingston/Vat 69 Shrine.