The key to a good conversation is to keep both parties interested in the
topic or “”engaged.” A good conversation can be one-sided, when an intriguing
tale is related to the other party, or it can be two-sded, where each party
exchanges ideas and thoughts.
A bad conversation has none of the below:
– Interest
– Response
– Rational Thought
– One of the parties not wanting to stab the other in the eye with the
closest sharp object
– One of the parties not imagining exactly how difficult it would be
to hide a body, or properly dispose of it to avoid police intervention
I can’t believing this person is still talking.
I’m not going to name names, but recently I have been involved in many “bad”
conversations. All with one person. All with one person I now avoid at nearly
all costs just to keep my sanity.
Indirect Results of Mind-Numbing Roommate’s * Constant Jibba-Jabba:
* – “Roommate” may or may not mean Roommate
– Increased Drinking
– Feigning Sleep
– Oven Repair
– Plumbing Concerns
– Fear of Puerto Rico
Ways to Tell if You are of Interest to a Second indivUal correlated with
Konversational responseS (ISUCKS)
— The “K” in “Konversation” stands for Kill Me Please —
Good Responses:
Bad Responses:
1) Your Idea Intrigues Me
1) Meh
2) I Agree
2) Heh
3) I was also thinking that
3) ….
4) Please, tell me more.
4) I have to go……Sort my Sock Drawer
In A more Pleasant Tone:
– I’ve Placed a new Image Gallery Up, feel free to
Movie/Book/TV/Life Quote – Irish Themed
Paul Smecker: “There was a FIRE FIGHT.”
Sgt. Elias: “Barnes believes in what he’s doing.”
Chris Taylor: “And you?”
Sgt. Elias: “Back in ’65? Yeah. Now, no. What happened today is just the
beginning. We’re gonna lose this war.”