
“Turtles can’t scream , Jackass.”

Best. Condescending Statement. Ever.

Today is
Victoria’s Secret Catalog Day

(After Approaching a
Random Girl)

Me: “Is today Victoria’s Secret Catalog

Girl: “I guess so.”

Me: “Can I
have yours?”

Girl: “No.”

Me: “Damn.”

Keep in mind, I’m wearing shorts in 30� weather and my “Rape” Mask.



You know who else forced unwilling subjects into small
rooms to be experimented upon? Exactly, so why do I have to do it? I
took a test on Depression today for a GPSYC Subject Pool thing.
Booyah! Viva La France! I knew all the answers.

My arm
burns from serving a racquetball a thousand times in 4 days, at 130
MPH a piece. I can’t use that hand anymore. I tried to pickup a drink
and it started vibrating uncontrollably, so I just gave up.

In Other News:

– Egg Bagels, I need soft food!

– New Jersey for Break?

– PJ/Paul Urine Excretion

– Anyone up for a Board Game?

We shall not capitulate… no never. We may be destroyed, but if we
are, we shall drag a world with us… a world in flames.

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