Work Update
Posted in Random on January 1st, 2004 by adminThe beauty of working in an empty warehouse with only two other poor souls is this: You develop an affinity for strange country sayings like, “that’s as much fun as a marshmallow full of fishhooks!” and you also get to do a lot of thinking in the best kind of environment, i.e. the cold and lonely spaces only a fluorescent-lit, concrete-floored catacombs can provide. Like Thoreau, but with more concrete than pond water. But the level of civilization is similar.
Today is December 31, 2003. Christmas is over.
Prized Possessions
1) VU Meter
2) Cold Cathode PC Light, which I’m sure I got just to be a huge nerd.
3) Slippers, finally I have warm feet.
4) and last but not least – Pirated Video Games.
Bowling for Columbine was agood DVD buy from my Dad. It looks good on a shelf, but I’m not sure I agree with Michael Moore – sincwe most of his arguments were directionless and easily countered, but I did agree with the part about Negroes and Killer Bees.
I should get a paycheck soon. To better fund my extravagant lifestyle. What, with all the DVC and Reduced Price Christmas Candy.
I should mention that Paul Hetmanek has absolutely NO intention of murdering his family with a shoddily installed gas fireplace.
Navy Seal: “Okay? Relax now, Bud.Just relax.”
Lindsey: “Bud. Watch, Bud. Relax.. It’s okay.Okay? Watch me. Watch me.
Navy Seal: “Don’t hold your breath. Take it in. Just let yourself take it in. Take it in. That’s it.”
Cat: “Oh, man.”
Navy Seal: “Don’t hold your breath. Take it in. There you go. Don’t hold your breath.”
(Bud takes a shallow breath of the oxygenated liquid)….
(Bud starts to seize, convusle, panic)
All: “This is not normal!”- [ All Shouting ]
Navy Seal: “This is normal. It’ll pass in a second. It’s Perfectly normal. It’s perfectly normal.
We all breathed liquid for nine months, Bud. Your body will remember.”
Lindsey Brigman: Bud, how much oxygen you’ve left?
Virgil “Bud” Brigman: “About 5 minutes”
Lindsey Brigman: Bud, if you drop all your ballast you can still make it!..
Virgil “Bud” Brigman: Gonna stay for a while… I knew this was a one-way trip.