
Posted in Random on March 5th, 2005 by admin

Sean Connery

Sean Connery: “Church, some things don’t react well to bullets.”

Myself: “Indeed sir, my fleshy body is incapable of deflecting metallic

Sean Connery: “Truly, you are wise beyond your years.”

Myself: “Indeed, I have studied at the foot of Marcus Brody. He once got lost
in his own museum.”


Anyway, Frisbee team is here tonight. I thoroughly enjoyed.

Matt let me enjoy the privilege of a rusty nail


Bon Voyage.





Posted in Random on February 26th, 2005 by admin

I miss days of our grandfathers, back when men were real men.

Back then the game of dodgeball was played with rocks and the game of dodgerock
was played with knives. I miss the days when everyone was a badass.


It hurts me to think that for years society stands idly painting its fingernails
while icons like Clint Eastwood are replaced by wieners like Ryan Seacrest. If
these generations of manly men were still alive they would spit tobacco juice in
Ryan Seacrest�s face and then make him wash and wax their Trans Am.

Back in the good old days things were much simpler. Back then you could walk
into a caf� and not be totally confused. This is because back then it didn�t
matter if you were trying to order, cappuccino, mocha latte or espresso they
were all called the same thing � scotch.

Back then four out of five doctors recommended smoking. This isn�t because of
doctors� ignorance to the dangers of smoking. This is because lungs used to be
much more manly. Lungs used to be a manly shade of black instead of a girly
shade of pink. But these days our lungs have devolved into an advanced state of
weenie-ism making us incapable of enjoying rich tobacco goodness.

When manly men aren�t eating pieces of s*** like you for breakfast they�re
eating sausage wrapped in bacon, wrapped in more bacon and topped with a fried
egg, and they wash it down with a glass of bacon grease, topped off with a
doctor recommended cigarette.


Wimps, weenies and vegetarians are ruining our great nation. America is on a
downward spiral, we�ve got a fever and the only prescription is scotch, red meat
and lumberjacks.

—- Courtesy Zach Parks —-


Posted in Random on February 18th, 2005 by admin

Like so may times in the past, tonight began with an innocent imbibing of my
favorite drink – the Orange Cream Senator’s Spending Initiative Mixer (Coined by
myself). Less than 3 hours and 12 minutes later, Matt had a mohawk and I
was talking about going to Georgia in pursuit of various sugar-based delicacies.
Twas the best of times, twas the best of haircuts.

The last 48 hours has seen a rebirth in the roommate/Paul relationship – as I
have spent more than 8.9 minutes actively engaging the frisbee team in
conversation – good conversation at that. I had almost forgotten how
comfortable the broken, soiled, blue recliner actually was.

Top 5 Items of the Week:

– Harrison Ford rarely uses profanity

– Hashbrowns actually contain sour cream, when prepared correctly

– The “Hellfish Bonanza” or “Crazy Negro Barn Fire” will be held this
Saturday – sorry, no directions as Basic has deemed it an “invitation only”

– I actually did James Madison University a service this Tuesday, by
explaining the fact that Economics Major’s are, in general, male and creepy –
yet highly analytical and intelligent
– I swear by
this recipe. It embodies all that is good in this world. Caramel, Chocolate, and
Crackers. Also – Democracy, as well as canned whipped cream and Cadbury Easter

Marksman #2: What are you?
Dorian Gray: I’m complicated.

Tatto, Oh No

Posted in Random on January 25th, 2005 by admin

As far as I know, tattoos are in style. As well as Latin.

Brade Runner

Posted in Random on January 20th, 2005 by admin

The single most important discovery of the last two weeks is this: Cold
Weather necessitates TWO pairs of socks. Never before in my life have I been so
pleasantly surprised by such a simple notion.

You wouldn’t think 2mm of Wool could amount to a hill of beans against this
god damn-frickety-freezing weather, but you would be wrong. It’s not just beans,
its spaghettios. Or better yet, alphabet soup. I think I actually
maintained my core body temperature of 98.6 Degrees today. I feel like a new


Im surprised how many people are unaware of the actual location of the
french riviera.


I’m thinking about getting a tattoo. Not one of those gay-ass butterflies, or
barbed wire armbands. Not even a gigantic american flag on my chest subtitled
“Bandwagon Patriot since 9-11.”

I’m thinking something more truthful, more meaningful, more exceptional. I’ve
already decided on Latin – but suggestions in that particular tongue are


Deckard: She’s a replicant.
Eldon Tyrell: I’m impressed, Mr. Deckard. How many questions does it
normally take?
Deckard: I don’t get it…
Eldon Tyrell: How many?
Deckard: Twenty, thirty, cross-referenced.
Eldon Tyrell: But with Rachael it took more than a hundred.
Deckard: She doesn’t know.
Eldon Tyrell: She is beginning to suspect I think.
Deckard: Beginning to suspect? How can it not know what it is?

Eldon Tyrell: “More human than human” is our motto.


I rarely continue beyond the movie quote, consider yourselves

Read The Economist

Shun The Wall Street Journal

Read The Washington Post

Read the New York Times (With a Grain of Salt)

Shun Tucker (Fucker) Carlson

Listen to Elliot in the Morning

Live, Love and Eat.

-Wolfgang Puck (Only the Last Line)

South Asia

Posted in Random on January 8th, 2005 by admin

You shouldn’t be able to achieve a centimeter deep papercut from a cardboard
box, It’s just compressed paper fiber, not a god damn x-acto knife. For only the
second time in my life I have actually bled onto a surface without
realizing it for at least 4 minutes and when I finally did? Hey, who needs
the actual tuition billing from JMU? I’ll just make a copy of the blood-stained
original and mail it in – those finance guys love documents coated in human

I’m kidding, I’m kidding – Simply messing with you. Winter break was a
gigantic cheesecake coated with money – delicious, creamy, blueberry-flavored
money. It’s all going straight to South East Asia – no wait, they already have
6.7 Billion Dollars while the entire population of siberian Russia lives
in discarded segments of former oil pipeline.

Xmas Lights

Posted in Random on December 6th, 2004 by admin

So I’ve been looking at the problems, and you know what? They are pretty god
damn crazy hard. I mean, the guy who came up with these is either a certified
genius or an authentic wacko. I’m not even sure that we learned some of this in
the course of his lectures – but he seems to think we should be able to figure
it out and illustrate the answers graphically, mathematically, and analytically
in a 2 hour period. That’s why I like this guy. Cocky enough to fail half the
class in order to challenge the other half enough to spur them to actually work
for a C. Isn’t that what college should be like?


I mean, I’m deriving profit maximizing scenarios, I’m analyzing industry
concentration with respect to principal-agent problems, and I’m still slightly
bored, watching the clock, and devising an exit strategy within the next
12-14 minutes. God do I love chewing gum and the fifteen minutes before I
can finally turn on the christmas lights.


Random Thoughts:

– Who mails out limited edition Boba Fett busts as welcome gifts?

– Smart Shopper has 2-liters of Creme Soda for 33 cents. Moses, cream and

– Apparently there is some guy in CKY or one of those shows where they ride
in shopping carts that resembles me.

– Only one week till regular workdays! Yeah for waking up at
6:30…………….oh wait. No.


Cool Tree

Christmas Lights are crazy awesome. Everyone loves Christmas
lights. If I was a Chinese Buddhist I would still love Xmas lights.


When I grow up, I’m gonna blow 100 bucks on
Xmas lights. It’s worth it.


Posted in Random on November 16th, 2004 by admin

Lately I’ve discovered a beautiful, yet simple, sleep aid to
cope with those long nights where there are hundreds of drunken frisbee players
throwing themselves against glass doors in your apartment while you’re trying to
simultaneously study for a massive Industrial Organization Exam and a Full-Scale
Judicial Inquiry into your Criminal History with a minimal hope of forcing at
least 5 hours of sleep onto my already shattered body and mind:

Nyquil: Rag*

*Known In Europe (Where laws concerning product
misidentification are actually enforced) as “Nyquil: Mild Coma �”

The beauty is in the simplicity of the product: Only Half a
Bottle will knock you out like a Chinese Tree Kangaroo that has just been hit
with 4 Tranquilizer Darts in the Heart.

Let me tell you, I slept like a baby.


Posted in Random on November 4th, 2004 by admin


I can’t believe the country we live in. It was founded by Puritans! Peaceful,
Pacifistic, Religous (mostly inwardly) who came here because they didn’t like
what views others were forcing upon them.

Does anyone find it Ironic that the rest of the world is somewhat perturbed
by our insistence on going into other countries and instilling our idea of
democracy and life onto other nations?


Sweet Jesus, tis a sad day.

Anyway, this does open the door for lucrative opportunities in both the
pharmaceutical and weapons-systems businesses. At least Bush will create some

I actually find myself arguing politics with people on my side, just because I am so bitter about this country. I realized today I wouldn’t see a democrat (or Greenie, or Reformer) in the
white house until I was 26. 26! Sweet God, George Bush will have ruined my 20’s – especially with that stint I will end up doin in Iraq.


I decided on Norway, with Finland, Sweden, and Denmark as Backups.

Phil Dentist

Posted in Random on October 24th, 2004 by admin

Note the tiny picture below:

It is the first (and only – up till now) picture of me smiling while taking a
picture. Orthodontia and Fouled self esteem circa 1998 have eliminated the open
mouth smile from my repertoire for some time. I don’t know why my Father’s
Genetic Traits were inherited on such a 1:1 basis, but I’ll be damned if Modern
Dentistry didn’t find an answer.


A couple lessons from this week:

– When you ridicule someone for their incompetence in web content
administration, you have been online too much.

– When the lady at Wal-Mart fails to realize you are trollying 2 cases of
Beverage in your cart – and therefore fails to scan them – you should just go
with the flow.

– Everyone needs a toaster oven.

– Never underestimate the power that you hold over people more than 3 years
younger than yourself. (Up till age 34, when the advantage disappears. Only to
reappear at age 65.)

– Phil Collins is under-appreciated.


Phil’s best Years occured during the 79-84 “I’m balding and have a stripe of
hair moving down the equator of my skull” Period. Period.

“There Must Be Some Misunderstanding” and “Salsbury Hill” were tainted by
the fact that I had to share credit with Peter Gabriel. Yet, I smile.