Move In

Posted in Random on August 25th, 2003 by admin

To sum up the first few days in the apartment:

Just as much confusion.


The whole time I’ve been here (2 days) in Olde Mill
(27I) has been very, very strange. Keep in mind nothing remarkable has
happened, it just feels different than home or school.
I keep smelling a mixture of coffee and cleaning fluid that
reminds me of being on vacation. Also, I keep having Deja Vu that
makes me feel like my Parents: Putting Groceries in a Station Wagon,
Washing Dishes, Watching the Food Network etc. Man, I feel like a 40


I’m going to Update the Image Galleries soon with
summer related pictures – keep your eyes open.


Alright, I can update this site much more frequently
now, so lets get it started off right —-

My Normal Movie Quote and Image:

And you, Preston, the supposed savior of the resistance are now its
destroyer  and along with them, you’ve given me yourself…
calmly… coolly… Entirely without incident.

John Preston
[Polygraph goes dead]

Technician: Oh… Shit!

John Preston
Not with out incident.


Pity Party

Posted in Random on August 10th, 2003 by admin

Untitled Normal Page

When I was little there used to be a homeless guy on a corner
near my house. He would beg for money all day, but his most
wonderful characterisitic was his total lack of arms. He had
nothing past the elbow. We used to call him “stubby”
for that reason.

In all fairness, I think he ruined the begging for everyone else.
I mean, who’s gonna give change to a guy with a grizzled beard
and jeans when they just passed a guy who didnt have any arms?

I really felt sorry for that guy. They did a story on him in the
paper once – I think he could type with little pencil things
strapped to his stubs.


“I can’t stand light. I hate weather. My idea of heaven is
moving from one smoke-filled room to another.”

– Peter O’Toole


The evil beard has come along nicely.

Last Summer Update – If Im Lazy, You Bet!

Posted in Random on July 27th, 2003 by admin

The number of requests for an update has finally overcome my
seeming inability to sit down and type one today, so, without further


Ada –
From “Outside of Philly, Not New Jersey.” A rather charming young lady
from the depths of the Philly ghetto came down to Fairfax earlier this
week and entertained me* with her wild antics. She looked nothing like
what I believed she would, but I blame it on these crazy-wild glasses
she had. As is custom with me – I started jibba-jabbering myself into
a state of semi-coherent references to adult life and college. I think
she thought I was funny though, which is better than say, Creepy,
or……I don’t know, seeming retatrded.

* – Told the Hooters Waitress it was my Birthday, which in turn
forced me to stand up and make a fool of myself in front of the place
trying to hoola hoop. Ah, good times..Good times.

Evanito – The
crazy depressed man that only seemed distantly depressed this time.
Tis all in good fun because he hates things sometimes like I do…and

* – If you are Jewish do not be
offended, well, be offended if you want…but know that that makes you
a pitiful, pitiful human being. I award you no points, and may god
have mercy on your soul.

Riechers’s’es’ss – The man who was supposed
to make me a smoking jacket, but who instead spent his summer passing
out behind the Starbucks counter after his sixth Irish Frappucino. As
usual, Riechers provided me with entertainment when he tried to play
some frisbee with some strange guys in a� field somewhere. I’m
bot saying your bad at frisbee, I’m just saying that If Frisbee was
your sport, you would have to compete in the special olympics. But
there is nothing wrong with that! Nothing!

Anyway, we all went to
eat, then to a huka (sp?) bar where one of Riecher’s’ses’s friends
belittled me wit his ability to blow perfect smoke rings..DAMN YOU
DREW !!!(sp?)

I got lost in my own town after turning the wrong way
to get out and went over a concrete ramp at approximately 45mph into a
steel mill* and proceeded to go airborne in a� ’90 Camry. The
only structural damage was to my spinal cord. Thank God.

* – Where
the hell did I find a steel mill in Alexandria?


On the Warehouse Front:

– Brad Retired, a pity. But I
found out he stole FUBAR from me. How dare he.

– Adam is still
convincing me he is mildly retarded. But god be damned if it isn’t fun
watching him jump rope like a broken washing machine with human fat
strapped to the sides.

– Willy…well, Willy is a Nut. I don’t know
what it is about his sense of humor, but sometimes it gets me like a
punch right in the gut.

Weekly* Willy Quote: (Paul (a guy at work (not me)) swats a fly and
kills it. Willy watches it fall to the floor and then the following

Paul: “I killed it.”

Willy: “Now eat it.”

* – Or
whenever I feel like it.

– Nate is Willy’s counterpart. Without Nate,
Willy is half a man. And without Willy…Nate is a German Terrorist.

Nate Moment:

(Paul (the same guy as above) has a meeting in 10

Paul enters the lunchroom without warning….

“Hello Paul…” (Proceeds to spray him in the crotch with a water
bottle eighteen times in 4 seconds.

Paul: “Dammit, I have a meeting
in 10 minutes”

Nate: “Wahahhahahahahahha!”


Week In Summary:

– Seabiscuit – Not so Good.

– John
Loomis – Scary

– Ralph Byrd – Could be dead. I don’t know.

– Ada –

– Evan – Not that Depressed, or Bitter.

– Chris – Making me a
smoking jacket!!!!!

– Me – Good, I have an Ipod. It is my lord and
savior and I have embraced it.

– Drew – That bastard thinks he’s better than me because he can
blow smoke rings…well, he probably is. What the hell.


Quote of the Update:

Brad Fawsett Memroial
Bed-Wetting Quotes

��You really wet the
bed don this one.�

�Why are these sheets all

��I smell Urine.�

�HE (Adam) wet the bed and
now WERE sleeping in it.�


Archival Image of the Infamous Special K Fiasco.

Adam: “These books were extra.”

Brad: “Extra? There
are no extras.”

Adam: “…..”

“There are 26 letters in the alphabet, Adam, that means 26 Titles in
every kit. We already finished 86 kits.”

Adam: “They
were extra.”

Brad and Myself at the same time:

All need to be repacked. Each weighed in excess of 60 Pounds.

Not Shown: Any kind of Remorse on Adam’s Part,
Knowledge of the Alphabet, or Mercy from God.


Posted in Random on July 5th, 2003 by admin

“If you’re an Engineer out there, please don’t drink
and throw bombs at ambulances.”

– Spike Jonze

Truer words have never been spoken.

quote reminded me I needed to do an update,  you know, since so
many people need to know exactly what I’m thinking. (Read: No One)
…..(Read: I don’t have a copy editor. Why do I write little notes
like that? Speaking of which, who is supposed to be reading the note
I’m writing right now? Woah, It’s like a Mirror reflecting a mirror.)

In any case, I just completed the first annual Paul Church Deck
Barbecue, which consisted of Turkey Dogs, Grilled Bananas (In their
Skins), and Cucumber wedges. That was followed by smores. Oh, and
Cereal – Gotta have that cereal.

From what I can tell, it seemed
excellent. But who knows, I was just feeding myself and the assorted
animals in my backyard. 

I spent all yesterday as a temporary courier for FCPS, which was
nice because I totally had the use of a car with a decent cd player.
Nirvana Unplugged.


In lieu of real
pictures (since I don’t write these updates from my PC):

I’m going to get arrested for this. Arrested and Shot. Shot and
Killed. But god damn! I’m gonna go down in a firefight, and that’s the
way Jesus would have wanted it if he were still around.

Talk about accurate! I can hit a 1 inch post from 50 yards every time.
I haven’t “hunted” anyone yet, but that’s what townies are for. As we
all know, I hunt (exclusively) the deadliest game of all…….Man.

Quote of the Update:

James Lipton, Actor/ Host of The Actors Studio
“One night, he [Christopher Walken] and George Plimpton and I went to
Madison Square Garden to see the fights. And, finally, we left the
Garden and there were the three of us, Chris, Plimpton and I on 8th
Avenue and 31st Street and all of the sudden we were surrounded by a
tight, unbroken ring of young black men, and the three of us looked at
each other and thought, ‘well…what’s this?’ And they just stood
there staring at us… and then the leader of them stepped forward,
put his belly against Chris’, and said, ‘Man, you are the coolest
white man in America.’ And, I said to Chris, ‘That is the best
compliment you will get as long as you live.'”

– That quote speaks to my love for Chris Walken and James

New Feature – Lyrics of the Update:

My girl, my girl, don’t lie to me
Tell me where did you sleep last night

In the pines, in the pines
Where the sun don’t ever shine
I would shiver the whole night through

My girl, my girl, where will you go
I’m going where the cold wind blows


[A Russian gangster comes into the bar]
Murphy MacManus:
So you’re Chekov, huh? Well, this here’s McCoy. Find a Spock, we got
us an away team.

Bay Doors

Posted in Random on June 18th, 2003 by admin

Short Update: Random Good Quotes  (Credit to Brother)

I’m not a robot like you. I don’t like having disks crammed into
me… unless they’re Oreos, and then only in the mouth.

You’re out drinking for the first time with your best friend. You
get back into the car, and realize that you’re a little tipsy but you
don’t think you’re too drunk to drive. On the way home, you swerve a
little bit, but since the roads are empty you don’t pay any heed. As
you turn onto your street, a woman and a dog dart into the road. You
try to avoid them but end up hitting them both and crashing your car,
sending your best friend flying through the windshield. You are
unharmed, but as you crawl out of the wreckage you see that the woman
and the dog are both dead… and that the woman was your girlfriend
and the dog was your dog. There’s nothing more you can do for them, so
you rush to your best friend’s side. He’s mortally injured and he asks
you to come closer. You take him in your arms and his blood flows all
over you. In his final breath he tells you that he has AIDS and now
you do too. Boondock Saints is worse.

PERSON: “It is my opinion that NAFTA is helping revitalize Mexico
and Mexico City, and has no negative aspects.”

CORRECT RESPONSE: “You are a Mexican puppet, dancing under command
from the Mexican government, in a disco hall full of your own rancid

EVEN BETTER RESPONSE: “There is no Mexico, only Allah.”

My Status:

Tired. Working. No Sunlight. Only Fluorescent.  Water In a
Can. Rain. The only joy in my life right now is poking fun at
Coworkers. And Sitting Quietly staring out the Bay Doors into the
Rain. I feel like I’m on the border between ‘Nam and Cambodia.


Posted in Random on June 7th, 2003 by admin

What I had Written on my Arm Today:

Sparta – Ribbon

When I Touch a Slug It Dies – Brad, In regard to how Salty his
hands are.


I’ve become a master of pseudo-rush hour traffic (3:30 in Fairfax

Annandale, VA or “Koreatown” as my parents so kindly put it
(because of the large Korean Population) is a teaming wasteland of
people colliding from Springfield (Backlick Road), the Beltway, and
Fairfax (Little River Turnpike) like so many retarded, blind elves
bent upon getting home by Dinner. Although many have fallen in this
battle, I have come out unscathed time after time. The “White Dragon”
(98 Grand Caravan) has taken me through some rough times, and I
appreciate it greatly. None of this would be possible without you, my
dear Steel Chassied Friend.

The only reason that I report any of this is to gloat over all you
sons of bitches who live in the woods. No wait, I don’t mean “gloat”,
I mean lament over how much time I waste in crappy, crappy traffic,
and exactly how much I resent the fact that Fairfax County refuses to
stop building new homes in an a County that should have been limited
to half its population.

By The Way, I’m bitter also because I still haven’t been paid for
my summer job. I’m in week 4 now and planning on a paycheck before
August. This god damn “Bi-Weekly Pay Period” and “2 Week Latency”
Payroll Terminology stuff should be called “Screw You” and “Were Never
Gonna Pay You Because Youre Just a Cheap Negro Slave To Us” instead.

Venting, Just Venting.


This Week has Been Good.

I drive around listening to pinging noises now and then sit in
parking lots for the hell of it. I used to think I was weird, but I
now Know I’m weird because the first thing I did yesterday after I got
home from work was switch cars, put a Rice Cake in my Pocket, and
Drive to A Turkish Grocery Store to buy Strange foreign candy bars
that I knew I wouldn’t be eating.

I felt a wave of Irony come over me today when I stepped through
the door, after a long day of warehouse work. Keep in mind my Dad
stayed home all this day.

Me: “I feel great.”

Dad: “My back hurts.”

Me: “You can’t say that, I’m the one who just got off from 8 hours
of box duty.”

Dad: “Go mow the lawn.”

Me: “How Ironic.”

– You All Probably Don’t Think That is Funny. Ah, but the Fun.


I swear to God, If I don’t get to see some Band of Brothers this
Weekend I’m going shoot myself from lack of entertainment. It’s been a
month since I was thoroughly entertained, except for last weekend,
which was mostly just filler. No offense, but I need structure for
entertainment. Oh, and Less Gay. Definetely less Gay. I’m not saying
there is anything wrong with Gay, it was just all over the place and
It was wearing on me like a sustained VC attack on a battalion of
Heavily Armed Marines.

Military Analogy – YOU SEE? YOU SEE?

I keep wanting to post pictures on this site to liven things up,
but I don’t have any acceptable for posting. I don’t take my camera
anywhere Good. Damn You Spider Sense.



Jungle Book

Posted in Random on May 15th, 2003 by admin

Been home for quite awhile now. Don’t start work till Monday. Best
days ever.

This is a Wednesday update, and I don’t forsee another until Sunday
Night (Best Case). I’m heading to upstate New York for a few days –
The G-Rents have a place on a lake and I figure I need to spend some
time with them. I’m probably going to have to put in the dock while
I’m there, so who needs UREC? Those dock sections weigh about 200 a

On the less labor oriented side – ITS A LAKE! I’m fishing and
Swimming and Sitting on the Porch like a pro lazy person. I estimate
that I can do that for at least 8 hours a day if I put my mind to it.



– Ross to JMU

– Joanna (Sister) is the worst
driver ever.

Me: “Why is this plastic rail falling off the camry?
Did you hit a curb?”

Joanna: “It came outta nowhere.”


– There is so much food in my house! I swear to God, I
could live off what us in the downstairs freezer for the Summer if I
had to. The sad thing is that I refuse to consume any of it since it
would interfere to with my “fruits, crackers, and salad – plus candy”
diet. My mom bought me cookies shaped like Fish which I am saving for
a rainy day. The cookies have been mitigated to the “Hoarding” bag I
keep in my room which is now approaching 20 pounds. It’s chock full of
candy, cereal, chips, and snacks that I can’t really see myself
eating, but wouldn’t dare throw out or give away.

– T-800
Endoskeleton. Fedex Man – What a Job!


In the morning I wake up and brew at least 3 cups of
coffee. One for now, one for later, and one for drinkin’ cold and
black – like oil. I’m trying to force acclimate to 6:30 AM wakeups –
you know, since JMU has eternally ruined my biological clock.


OK, random nostalgic story. After I repaired my once defunct bicycle
to a fairly workable state I decided to take it for a test drive. The
Jumps. What are the jumps you ask? Basically, they are a series of mud
hills deep within one of the last remaining woods in my area that used
to be home to some of the coolest bike related injuries ever. I
remember throwing myself over the handlebars and gladly smiling my
bloody grin through the pain. Ahh, childhood. In any case, I decided
to go back there.

It was just like a Jungle Movie – Vines had
overgrown the path, trees had collapsed across the narrow route
through the woods, and the only tracks I saw were from Dog and/or
Dog-Like creatures. Now that I think about it, I should wash my legs
because there was poison ivy all over the place. Out, Out –
Damn………..Dermal Irritant!

Once I made my way through the pseudo-jungle I was surprised to
find my destination relatively intact, although it had fallen into
disrepair. The ramps and jumps were more like dirt piles and mud
puddles, but they were more or less there. I rode down a few to see If
I could recapture any sort of feeling. A little.

The worst part was
that some developer had purchased much of the nearby land, and had
cleared it of all trees, shrubs, and features. I took my bike that
direction and proceeded to inspect the construction zone. As usual,
the workers had left their machines there so I proceeded to climb into
each one hoping their would be keys. Alas, some smart bastard had
removed the keys in order to stop curious vagrants like me from
plowing into the woods in a 7 ton vehicle. I did steal a cool looking
helmet though. Booyah.

I had to ride home the long way – because I
had come up a big muddy hill on the way and feared for the safety of
my skull if I had to ride down it. Kinda symbolic right? I moved on
instead of going back. Yeah, that’s the ticket.

Home Sweet Home

Posted in Random on May 12th, 2003 by admin

I am writing this on a much more ghetto pc than I am used to, so bear with the relative lack of pictures and coolness.

Heres the story – I am on a 56k. Now, that is an absolute killer to any kind of internet related activity except for text e-mail download and microsoft hearts, however, I will attempt to keep this site pseudo current over the summer which means you can check back occasionally for my random jibberish.

I may or may not “go places” and “do things” worthy of writing about, but hey, that never stopped the articles before. Sometime this week I will update with an article. A VERY FUNNY ARTICLE BECAUSE NOW I HAVE ALL THIS TIME ALONE IN A HOUSE OR AT WORK TO THINK ABOUT FUNNY THINGS.

Funny Thoughts

1) Church Sucks. My parents drag me to Church even though I CLEARLY BELIEVE IN NO GOD. Today’s hilarity was this…
(Some guy (church leader) is giving some graduating senior acolyte (jesus suck up) a silver cross)

Leader Guy: “We present you with this silver cross for your hard work.”
Me: “You should melt that down into a bullet and just end my life now.” (Id been sitting in church for 1:30 Hours)
Brother: “WAHAHAHAHAHHAHA” (Outloud)
Dad: “ROSS!”

2) I mow the lawn at a jog. Cool.

3) I climb onto our roof to help my brother clean a window – then try to climb down.

Dad: “Paul, don’t go on the roof in the rain.”
Me: “Alright.”

I bet you’ve never been on your roof during a thunderstorm climbing an aluminum ladder.

Alright, i gots to think some more.

I’ll update with pics and stuff next time.

Hurricane Screendoor

Posted in Random on June 1st, 2003 by admin

I can’t believe how lazy I am when it comes to updating this site.
Technically, I have a lot of free time every day, but since I’m hardly
ever around pc’s I just never think about it.

Tonight I’m suppose to
go out and “do things” with “people” so I’ll see how that pans out.
Apparently there are individuals out there who actually think I’m at
least partially competent to talk to and would for some reason enjoy
my company – however brief. Mostly, I just want to watch Band of

I should elaborate on my work routine:

7:30 AM – Arrive

7:30-8:30 – Await Daily Orders (Sit Around)

8:30-10:00 – Carry Out Orders (15 Minutes of work interspersed
between 1.5 hours of Talking about Music, Paintball, Brad’s Stories
and other Assorted Jibba Jabba)

10:00-11:30 – Prepare for Lunch

11:30-12:30 – Lunch

12:30-2:30 – Finish Work (More Talking, Argue with Adam about
alleged 1987 Springfield Hurricane*)

2:30-3:30 – Prepare for Departure

3:30 – Depart

As you can see, A day like this drains me of all the energy it
would require to write daily updates.

* Alright, I can’t think of anything but this dialogue which
occured between My coworkers, Adam (Strange Guy at Work), and Myself.
This all takes place during  a session of box making (Yes, I make
boxes at my job – Stapling, Folding, Palletizing, whatever.) I should
mention that 2 mean operate staplers, and 1 (Adam) sits in a chair and
“prefolds”* the cardboard we use.

*Prefold =  Waste of Time. Basically, Adam sits in a chair and
makes grunting noises while the other 2 guys do all the leg work.

Also Note: I in no way mean this dialogue to portray Adam in a
negative light. For all I know he could be retarded, and I would never
make fun of a retarded person. Ever.

(Brad and I assemble Boxes, Somewhat Physically Demanding Work)

Brad: “So Me and Betsy……..(Finishes a Story)”

Me: “Nice.”

Adam: (Mumbling) “My Hands Hurt.”

Brad: “What?”

Adam : “My hands hurt.”

Brad: “What do you mean your hands hurt? All you’re doing is
sitting in a chair and folding cardboard.”

Adam: “Man, you don’t think I’m doing any work, I’m a hardworker…(Mumbling).
Look, I even cut my hand (Points to small cut on right hand)”

Me: “You got City Hands, Boy”

Adam: “No way, look, I cut my hand!”

Me: “Dude, its a papercut….(under my breath) probably from
counting money.”

Adam: “What you talkin bout man? I’m hardcore. Look at this scar
(pulls up shirt sleeve to reveal a relatively large scar, then gets
unnecessarily close to me to display it)”

Brad: “What’s that from? Fall down?”

Adam: “A screen door.”

Brad: “A screen door? What were you trying to do?”

Adam: “The wind blew me through a screen door.”

Brad: “What wind?”

Adam: “A Hurricane.”

Brad: “When?”

Adam: “I’m not sure, It was when I was a little Kid. I don’t

Me: “How can you not remember? Where were you living?”

Adam: “Springfield.”

Brad: “Springfield……..Virginia?”

Adam: “Yeah.”

Me: “There was never a Hurricane in Springfield Virginia. At least,
not in the last 20 years. And the bigger question is: Why were you
outside during a hurricane?”


You have no idea how long that went on. I cannot describe the


Random Notes:

– All Time Quarterback – Plans Get Complex

– FCPS is the freakiest school system ever. I’m not working here
again unless they want to pay me like a god.

– I sleep on the floor in my room – Just for the hell of it.

– I found a good restaurant – Coyote Grille

– My brother bought a pc. Quake 3 on a LAN, Baby.

– On a sad note: I still haven’t gotten my paycheck. Crappy
bi-weekly pay plus 2 week latency = Poor.


Posted in Random on May 23rd, 2003 by admin

Today Bev offered to buy me lunch based on my gaunt appearance and
seeming inability to consume enough food to support bodily function.
Man, I’m milking this all the way.� Free Meals? Mikes? Damn, the
catch-22 scenario.

Ok, Fast Forward to two weeks into summer, since that is the first
point where I have had enough time to write down anything I’ve been
meaning to.

The lake was fine – Dock is almost in, G-Rents are not
dead, Food was good, Golf Game is 100% better, but still quite


My job has begun. The pay is good, but more importantly it provides
me access to forklifts and empty rooms filled with boxes. Between
shelf-ball (in which I am the grand slam champion), Texas Hold-Em, and
hour and a half lunches, and work with little to no adult supervision
I have almost no time left in my day. It seems like work just fills my
entire life at this point. It always funny to think that school is the
easiest part of my life while work is the long, dreary summer months.
Now you all know why I don’t particularly enjoy coming home when all I
have to look forward to is waking up at 6:15 every day.

The upside is the money.

Bling Bling $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

I don’t really need and/or want anything but it’s nice to have the


The weather in NOVA SUCKS. It’s been cloudy and rainy everyday. If
it weren’t for the fact that I work in an establishment with no
windows I would complain more.

Ok, everyone should go and rent Equilibrium. I wish I could
flat line it like that. Hey, I can, but with less killing efficiency.


Don’t wet the bed on this couch situation Peej. No one wants to
lounge on a hard, shitty, floor.

I think we should keep to the darker colors – less stain

I can’t believe I just put an entire album on my mp3 player,
especially a live one.

In Other News:

– So Cold here. Even Harrisonburg was warmer

– Adam is so weird

– Brad s going to kill Adam

– Anyone selling Airsoft?

– Nate almost died in a box avalanche