Ken Burns

Posted in Random on May 17th, 2010 by churchps

Ken Burns is a god. I saw his Civil War Documentary when it first aired on PBS in 1990 as a seven year old, and it hasn’t lost a lick of its appeal to me 2 decades later.

Also, Shelby Foote is my new favorite writerhistorian.


The moustache is coming along most adequately.


Posted in Random on May 14th, 2010 by churchps

I just uploaded this to test some iMovie stuff – its dual purposes were to introduce me to apple software and to educate individuals on the art of buying groceries while being male and in your 20’s.

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On the morning of July 22nd, 1862, the president called a Cabinet meeting. What he said took everyone by surprise. After long thought, he told them, he had decided to emancipate the slaves.

William Safire, Journalist

“It was a stunning moment. It was against everything Lincoln had promised ah, to all the Republicans and, and indeed the country, that he would not become an abolitionist. He would not strike at slavery where it existed. And here suddenly, he was changing the character of the war.”


Posted in Random on May 7th, 2010 by churchps

I blame solidinternet australia for the loss of two years of data. However, Im pretty sure that was roughly 11 posts. There will be no seppuku.

Enjoy this Joe South video that reflects my thoughts on DNS Servers, Web Hosting in Foreign Countries, and sql databases.

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Posted in Random on February 1st, 2008 by admin

I find that as time goes on, I'm able to spend less and less time messing around with software and trying to customize the things to do exactly what I want. Thats probably why I finally caved and bought legitimate copies of Microsoft programs. That, and I don't want to spend any time In criminal court on piracy charges.

Anyhoo, this software is opensource and absolutely beats the everloving shit out of Itunes, Winamp, Windows Media Player, and their competitors. And its free. And uses a tiny amount of RAM. And is pretty. And finally comes in a clean installation package. 


This Weekend…

– Saturday Night with a Lady Friend?

– Boozies

– Sunshine DVD 

Music Animation Machine

Posted in Random on January 12th, 2008 by admin

I think this software is pretty cool, and I've posted the .mpg video for one of the songs.

Debussy – Clair De Lune 


Posted in Random on January 6th, 2008 by admin

Name: Colonel Kurtz
Appeared in: Apocalypse Now
Special powers: The will to act

Weapon of Choice: Obscure philosophical storytelling
Met his end by: Machete                                                    

Name: Adolf Hitler
Appeared in: August 1934
Special Powers: Phenomenal public-speaking skills
Weapon of Choice: SS, Luftwaffe, Zyklon B
Met his end by: Suicide



Name: Major Konig
Appeared in: Enemy at the Gates
Special Powers: Ability to shoot a leaping Ron Perlman in the face.
Weapon of Choice: Scoped Karabiner 98 Kurz
Met his end by: Determined Soviet Jude Law with rifle.


Name: Roy Batty
Appeared in: Blade Runner
Special Powers: More human than human abilities. Also has funny name (in a crude kinda way).
Weapons of Choice: Charging the enemy in his underwear.
Met his end by: Teaching humanity to Harrison Ford.


Posted in Random on December 31st, 2007 by admin

Cheese Potatoes

 12 Med. Potatoes

8oz. Sharp Cheddar Cheese

Dash of Nutmeg

1tsp. Dry Mustard 

Salt + Pepper

1/2 Pint Whipping Cream (or Heavy Cream)


Boil Potatoes in Skins. Peel when cool and Grate. Grate Cheese. Mix With potatoes along with other ingredients. Place in 9 x 13 Baking Pan. When Ready to Bake – Pour Whipping Cream over top. Bake 1 Hour at 300 Degrees F.


Beef Brisket

 3 or 4 Ibs. Beef Brisket

3/4 to 1 Cup Ketchup

1 Package Lipton Soup Mix

16 0z. Ginger Ale

1/ 4 Cup Red Wine.

Place ingredients over beef and place in roasting pot with cover. Bake at 325 Degrees for about 3 hours, basting occasionally. Put in refrigerator overnight. When ready to serve – slice beef and heat in sauce. Serve with Potatoes or Noodles. 


Posted in Random on November 22nd, 2007 by admin

Do I sound like I'm negotiating?

Bar Talk
Great Film Overall.
New Couch?
360 Dead?
Christmas Tree Still In attic Awaiting Assembly?
Damn Right. 

Vietnam Joke

Posted in Random on November 7th, 2007 by admin

Q: How many Vietnam veterans does it take to change a lightbulb?

A: You don’t know! You weren’t there!

The President Quit

Posted in Random on October 3rd, 2007 by admin

The single best and most experienced guy in our class just quit – turned in his boots and spurs and all. The guy was a Marine combat veteran with 20 years of experience. Staggering.

Watch the video on that page. Hes a tough nugget.


...............But neither is that thing.

MacReady: Childs, we’re going out to give Blair the test. If he tries to make it back here and we’re not with him… burn him.