Posted in Random on January 14th, 2007 by adminBest. Free. Coffee-Maker. Ever.
2007 Calendar
Jan 1 New Year’s Day
Jan 15 Martin Luther King Day
Feb 14 Valentine’s Day
Feb 19 Presidents day
Mar 11 Legendary Goon Bigpeeler’s Regdate
Mar 14 Pi day
Mar 14 Steak and Blow job day
APR 20 :2Bong:
APR 30 1993 Www technology unleashed upon the public the First world Weeps.
May 25 Towel Day (As in HHGTG)
May 28 Memorial Day
May 30 1996 AOL hits six million members. The Birth of the Newb.
Jun 14 Flag Day
Jun 25 2004 – debut of swap
Jul 1 Canada Day for the kunucks
Jul 3 1995 First commercial Porn site
Jul 4 Independence Day
Jul 7 2007 Transformers live action enters theaters. May God give us strength.
Jul 15 1983 Nintendo family computer released in Japan.
Sep 3 Labor Day
Sep 15 1969 First host computer was connected at UCLA and the first interweb was born.
Sep 11 9/11 memorial eagle
Sep 19 Talk like a pirate day
Oct 8 Columbus Day
Oct 15 2006 Day I got Cookie – thanks Sierra!
Oct 23 Mole Day
Oct 30 Trick night
Oct 31 Halloween
Nov 5 V
Nov 11 Veterans Day
Nov 13 1990 Last modification of the oldest web page in existence
Nov 15 1999 Lowtax’s regdate, presumably the birthdate of the SA Forums
Nov 17 It is a mystery!
Nov 22 Thanksgiving Day
Dec 25 Christmas Day
Dec 23 Festivus
New Page 2
– Scotty doesn’t know?
– Popo
– I’m trying to get in on either a Browns or Dukes game sometime in November
-> I’m assuming Dukes would be easier…
Hahaha, I didn’t know it was such a Party Building. My
girlfriends must have gotten sloppy.
I have listened to this a thousand times. I am saddened by this fact,
yet pleasantly surprised it still brings a twinkle to the old man’s eye.
I was using the bathroom at a Target, all on my lonesome. I heard the door
open and a man was talking to his daughter.
“I’ll be right outside waiting for you.” he said before leaving his little one
to do her thing. I heard her walking along the stalls, pushing each door open
until she came to mine, which did not open thanks to the barely there lock.
There was a bit of silence as I noticed her trying to look at me through the
door crack.
I didn’t say anything as I tried to cover myself up with the bottom of my shirt,
staring at her like a violated deer in headlights. Then she tried to crawl under
the door! WHAT was this little seven/eight year old girl doing?
“Stop!” I said, having long finished with my wee, but too confused and startled
to move. “STOP!” She wouldn’t stop though, even when I shoved my foot at her
head (not hard; I didn’t want to hurt her, just stop her). She kept trying to
get under the door though, even with my shoe rubbing in her hair and on her
face. She was like some fucking quiet pervert zombie, her little hands clawing
at the floor and trying to push my feet away. This kept up for god knows how
long, until she finally gave up and scooted away.
I sat there with the bottom of my shirt still stretched over my knees, listening
to her scamper away to the door. She opened it and happily said to her father,
“I’m done, daddy!”
A visit to the Doctor’s Office is a window of opportunity, an
opportunity to meet a sweet, blond, aspiring-physician who can support my
stay-at-home self after we get married. She’ll rake in the dough while I
finally get to catch up with all the happenings on Days of Our Lives
and Guiding Light.
I will live in Montana. And I will marry a round American Physician’s
Assistant and raise rabbits, and she will cook them for me. And I will have a
pickup truck… maybe even a “(n) ABS Dimension 6000 ATI XP 4000.” And
drive from state to state. Do they let you do that?
Sean Connery will, of course, approve.
Needs a Tan.
I’ve built probably 10-12 dozen of these machines in my day so I
can field any of your questions. If you’re looking for blue prints, I’ve never
drawn any. I know some of the new-jack margarita machine enthusiests like to plan
everything out before hand, but if you ask an old timer like myself you need to
just start building. If you have an old juke box that would be a good place to
And also try not to turn this thread into an old school vs. new school margarita
machine building style argument like all the other threads.
edit: Here’s a picture of one of my most recent rigs. She runs at about 8 mpm,
which is pretty good considering it’s built from an old drill press and a
transistor radio.
– 2 Fingers
Bud Fox: This is really a nice club, Mr. Gekko.
Gordon Gekko: Yeah, not bad for a City College boy. I bought my way in, now all
these Ivy league schmucks are sucking my kneecaps.
For all the times you wanted to leave your 55hr/week job at 5pm just to grab
a cold pudding shooter….. Mmmm, Butterscotch.
As do all of us, I strive to make this video a reality (without the shitty
college students). Imagine an Executive VP opening up his office door to a
4-man WK Squad, achieve enlightenment.
This is the first time I’ve ever had a sausage burn.
The hot stove and the SUPER-HEATED polish sausage made my arm hurt. It’s almost as if the grease went inside of my arm….with less x-files-like results.
Today, I discovered a sweet haircut. They key is – you don’t do anything. I mean, just comb it straight out of the shower and let it fall where it may.
It’s like wearing a soft racoon pelt all day log. I love it. It’s also vaguely reminiscent of a Beatles Haircut, with far less talent.