
Today’s highlight was being recruited to move furniture by the puerto rican
and her extended family, for which i was promised – but did not receive – one
diet coke beverage. I feel like Mel Gibson in “Payback” except instead of 7
Grand, I’m after 12 ounces.

On the plus side, this is a good sign because it expedites any departure from
said roommate. Unfortunately, I too am departing within the next two weeks. Game
Over, Loser. Game Over.


Today was the first time I had warm sake at a restaurant – and to my great
embarassment, I was not man enough to enjoy it straight. I like mine 3/4 Sake,
1/4 Soy Sauce. Mmmm, Salt.

Several rounds of “death is not an option” led my companions and I to the
truth – Patrick Stewart is a dreamboat, and his six pack abs make him a god
among men. Oh, I’m not kidding. Picard is ripped. Think about it, if death were
not an option – Would you choose Stewart or Shatner?

Mini Game:

Think of a Cobbler.

Think of a Second Cobbler.

Think of a Third Cobbler.

Is it Cherry? It damn well better be.


“I told you to stay in the Car!”


Captain Jean-Luc Picard: Reports of my assimilation have been greatly

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