Update 2

Posted in Random on April 3rd, 2003 by admin

Once Again I have Updated the Site,

I am King of the Internet. Let there be a grand Dorm-Room Feast.
Bring me the finest meats and cheeses in all the land!

I am attempting to mirror this page on a different site to avoid
any lengthy periods of downtime.

Good news, Its been nearly one week since my “Life Experience” and
the urge to kill is slowly disappearing, like so much baby meat into a
fat-mans massive maw.� Perhaps I am not devoid of human emotion
entirely! In any case, I have worked myself into a wonderful groove of
work and play which affords me many, many, hours of sleep each day as
well as many more hours of what I call “nothing time”- ironically
named because my “nothing time” is actually the time during which I am
most productive. My recent increase in free time (Read: NO MORE
GIRLFRIEND) has reminded me of what it truly is to be alone -I don’t
mean that in a bad way- and exactly what kind of person I was before I
had a relationship. Here are a few things I didn’t realize I missed
about the Life of the Loner:

– Can eat breakfast, lunch and dinner anytime I want – no
preplanned meals�������������������������

– Bed feels much, much larger – more room to kick and “freak out”
when I dream about my days in the Vietnam POW camp

– Total lack of phone calls, conversation, e-mail, and Instant
Messaging allow me to continue my pursuit of absorbing all the sights
of my own room (My chair swivels 360 Degrees) including but not
limited to: White Concrete Walls, 8*10 Photo of Bruce Campbell in
Army of Darkness,
Box of Frosted Cheerios on empty shelf,�
and the scary African-American man that takes the Cigarettes from my
roommates drawer when he comes in through the window at night

– More time to enjoy Daytime Television – Wait, that’s not a good

– Can once again watch DVD’S where the main character is some kind
of explosion, or possibly a man who can shoot explosions from the huge
flamethrower rifle he carries throughout

– Don’t have to watch the language and can freely tell jokes that
would be considered “In bad taste” by the ladies. Q: What is worse
than a garbage bag full of dead babies? A: 10 Garbage Bags full of one
dead baby.

– No more “Clean Underwear.” I prefer them fully saturated thank

Truly, I live a life that even Jesus himself would be envious of.�
Come back in a few days to see what else I have come up with….

Reward For Those Who Have Read This Far

Line Up

Posted in Random on April 3rd, 2003 by admin

“It’s the best feeling in the world when you meet new friends that
you can’t stand to be without. That you constantly want to impress to
make them like you even more. They make you hope everyday that they
won’t leave you. Until that day when they actually do, and you’re lost
without them. You can’t think about anything else but when you’re
going to see them again.” -Anonymous

“Trust no one. Not your closest advisors, your spouse, your
brother, your God. Trust only yourself, or you will face pain everyday
of your life.”� – Yul Brynner, The Ten Commandments

These two quotes are representative of two periods in my life. The
Yul Brynner quote especially has a cynical tone to it but is, none the
less, true. Going through life without a friend, not� a single
friend, but dozens of acquaintances is the hardest thing in the world
for anyone who has had to endure it.�

Yes, he is prematurely bald. You know who you
are, and you know you love it.

On a lighter note, Yul Brynner is the master.

The Following Quotes are From 1960’s The
Magnifecent Seven
, where Yul Brynner (Chris) and 6 others are
hired as gunfighters to protect a small farming village from a group
of Desert Raiders.

[The village Calvera’s raiding has

Calvera: New wall.
Chris: Lots of new walls, all around.
Calvera: They won’t keep me out!
Chris: They were built to keep you in

Last Line:

Chris: The old man was right. Only the farmers won.�We
lost. We always lose.


Posted in Random on April 3rd, 2003 by admin

****IMPORTANT UPDATE, 11:30 pm****

Moscow, Capital of Russia, has
fallen to Axis forces after a twelve day siege in which Germany lost
10 Tank Divisions, 6 Infantry Divisions, 4 Fighter Wings and 2 Bomber
Squadrons. Russian losses Consisted of over 14 Fighter Wings, 2
Armored Regiments and 3 Infantry Divisions.

After Tremendous losses on both sides Axis Forces led by Paul
Church and Christopher Riechers swept into the ruins of the once proud
Kremlin, now a burnt out shell, and raised the German and Japanese
Flags over the new Axis Territory.

Axis success is now complete on the Asian Continent as Paul Church
and Chris Riechers turn their attention to the stalwart forces of
Great Britain-the last remnant of Democracy in Europe- and the United

Just completed over 5 hours of Axis and Allies


Posted in Random on April 3rd, 2003 by admin

Time spent talking a German Man into giving you a copy of Lord
of the Rings: The Two Towers
that was stolen from a DVD meant for
the academy of Arts and Sciences Academy Award consideration:  5

Time Spent finding the XVID Codec necessary to view the movie
in Windows Media Player without causing horrendous system instability: 
1 Hour.

Watching Ten-Thousand Orcs Lay Siege to the Strong hold of
Helms Deep in glorious 800*600 Resolution:  Timeless.

Haldir is Cool.

Going to War

Posted in Random on April 3rd, 2003 by admin

It has been asked whether or not I would go to War if in some
hypothetical instance I was drafted, and my answer is yes.

don’t enjoy fighting, that’s for sure, and I’m probably not much for
marksmanship.  I think George W. Bush is borderline retarded and
the War with Iraq is really just a crusade for Oil consumed by
Americans totally unnecessary sport utility vehicles and outdated
industrial operations. I don’t enjoy shooting people for no reason
other than the fact that I’m in a different army than them, and I
don’t see why soldiers should have to pay the ultimate price for
something they will never receive. 

So why would I go? Because I don’t want someone to go in my place.
I don’t feel its my duty to fight in a US Sanctioned War, but I do
feel its my duty to prevent someone else from dying in a war that I
wouldn’t participate in.  At first it would feel great to avoid
it, "Hey, I don’t have to fight in this stupid war, I claimed I was
blind in my left eye and they said I was unfit to serve. I’m
protesting this war, and I refuse to be a part of it."

What happens
when they send another guy in place of you? What happens when your
neighbors gets a telegram telling them their son died in a fight over
some worthless pile of sand?

Can you look them in the eye and say,
"So what? I’m opposed to the War."

I couldn’t do that. I just

Remember, it is your duty to protest an unjust or
unnecessary war, but protest doesn’t guarantee that there will be a
peaceful resolution.

Gruuby, Where Is Ya At

Posted in Random on April 3rd, 2003 by admin

And on the Seventh Day, there was the Suitemates Update.

I don’t
know what to write about today, but I found this intriguing picture of
one of my suitemates today and decided I would write about it.

Have You Seen This Man?

Steve: “I’m going to a group meeting. Ill be back in an hour.”                                               

Me: “Alright.”

As I write this, Steve has been missing for 26

A fascinating individual with no known ties to people outside
of the Illuminati Order, Steve has been known to disappear for days on
end with no explanation as to why or where. Perhaps this is what makes
Steve so fundamentally frightening.

I plan on updating with other
suite members as soon as possible. Be ready Guys!


Posted in Random on April 3rd, 2003 by admin

I never knew what to do with my life. Hell, I still don’t know what
I’m doing with my life.

who craves more time to spend alone everyday
withdrawing farther and farther to where I feel safe
but the farther I go, the lonelier I get
and it just continues

I typed this without realizing what I was
doing, and it seems I typed something I didn’t even realize I knew.

Will you remember me in 15 years?
I don’t know what I’ll remember in 15 years.
but you’re not so forgettable
also, I’m gambling on yes.
I’m going to remember you
I want it to at least line up in the space time continuum

when I feel my very lowest…I think I’m somehow closer to my deep
conscious. Things I can’t realize about myself at other times seem
clearer in that instant.

he sounds like a great guy
you don’t know him.
I’m happy for you
he is, but you still don’t know him
I know you
and I know you like him
that’s enough

To sum it up – I don’t have people I can talk to in my
daily life, and I don’t think I should. I’ve spent years talking to
myself instead, and I think I’ve developed something a lot of people
try to deny in themselves.

Aside – This has got to be the most vague and unorganized peace of
tripe I’ve ever written………. but what the Hell.

In Other News:

– Jon Stewart writes a mean essay

– PJ owes me $10

– As I write
this sentence PJ returns. Its Galactic Battlegrounds Time.

If you strike me down, I’ll become more powerful
than you can possibly imagine.

Shotgun Face

Posted in Random on April 3rd, 2003 by admin

What if Tiny Tim had been a rapper?

Tiptoe to da window, by da window dat’s  where I’ll be
Come tiptoe trough da tulips wit me, Kill a negro etc.

This is just one of the myriad thoughts that crossed through my
mind today.

UREC in the morning was largely uninteresting except for the
PJ/Paul weight competition.

– PJ – 132 Pounds                                                                                                              

– Paul – 134 Pounds

Repeated three times for assurance.

I hold a 2 Ib Weight Advantage, Hoorah.  However, the pain of
learning that I have dwindled to PJ’s size was incomparable to the
other pain that morning: Walking through the Men’s Locker Room.

Now, there is nothing I hate more than bare Man-Bottom and this was
no exception. I’ve spent my life resigned to the fact that I could
never enter another Urine Soaked Public Pool because of the Risk of
witnessing Man-Bottom in its full glory in some shanty-like Men’s
Locker Room. Walking into the communal bathroom every morning always
fearing that one drunken male (age 19-23) has forgotten to wear pants
begins to wear on my mind.

I saw Man-Bottom today my friends, And I don’t think I’ll ever be
the same.

Queen is indeed the Best Band of All Time.  I will never be
able to mimic what Freddie Mercury does with his voice in Bohemian
Rhapsody (Almost flutters “Mama, ooh, Didn’t mean to make you cry”)
but I can still listen to it.

We are what we love, not what loves us.

I’ve been popping Sudafed and Ibuprofen like they’re candy lately,
but this God Forsaken Cold will not cure itself. I looked like a huge
crack addict today because I cut my hand on a desk then couldn’t use
it to open the Safety Seal on the bottle of Motrin.  I had to try
opening it with just one hand and proceeded to pour them (the pills)
in the direction of my mouth which resulted in a cascade of little
white capsules down my coat. It was hard communicating  (without
speaking mind you, my mouth was full of pills)  to the Professor
who watched me struggle to quench my thirst for medication, what
exactly I was doing without being arrested on Narcotics charges.

Who Sucks:

– Those Girls in my Health Class who will not, ever,
stop talking.

– The vending machine guy who stocked Mountain Dew Code Red and A&W
Root Beer at the same time. I should have known not to mix the two
deadliest and carbonated (respectively) soft drinks.

Who’s Cool:

– Freddie Mercury

– Steve (For providing me with endless comedic relief after
consuming a Diet Dr. Pepper and wincing in pain as it ravaged his
internal organs)

– People who listen (You know I don’t ask for it  a lot

Who’s Neutral:

Sam Beckett

No wait, he’s cool. he just looks neutral.

I’m no friggin’ monument to justice! I lost my
hand! I lost my bride! Johnny has his hand! Johnny has his bride! You
want me to take my heartache, put it away and forget?

More Guns

Posted in Random on April 3rd, 2003 by admin

In One Day:

– PHPNuke Installed

– Website Content Imported

Men’s Gymnastics?

– Chick Fila and Cannibal Corpse

The Joy of watching Chris Riechers laugh so hard that he cried is
unparalleled in Modern Society. Apparently, pretending my hand is a
Microphone and reciting the worlds most horrific lyrics into it while
simultaneously speaking in a low psychotic voice created a state of
near hilarity Nirvana, the likes of which have never been seen before.

Listen, it’s not that I don’t enjoy some aspects of Men’s
Gymnastics… its just hard for me to keep from wincing every time a
guy does the splits from a  full flip.  I really wished I
had seen the Women’s Gymnastic Team instead because they have the
ribbon dancing, which is really superior to anything else I can
imagine someone doing with a floor mat or a piece of equipment.

Pure Evil

Alright you primitive screwheads, listen up! You see this? This, is
my boomstick. It�s a 12 gauge double-barreled Remington, S-Marts top
of the line. You can find this in the sporting goods department.
That�s right, this sweet baby was made in Grand Rapids, Michigan,
retails for about $109.95. It�s got a walnut stock, cobalt blue steel,
and a hair trigger. That�s Right, Shop smart. Shop S-Mart.

All this talk about Corpses and whatnot has led me to recall my Bruce
Campbell Fetish.

– PJ! Pay Me!

– Jerry
Come Home?

– I had a Stroke?

Sometimes I Feel Like This, Sometimes.

Ghost Me

Posted in Random on April 3rd, 2003 by admin

Beckett finally settled down in Paris in 1937. Shortly thereafter,
he was stabbed in the street by a man who had approached him asking
for money. He would learn later, in the hospital, that he had a
perforated lung. After his recovery, he went to visit his assailant in
prison. When asked why he had attacked Beckett, the prisoner replied
“Je ne sais pas, Monsieur”, a phrase hauntingly reminiscent of some of
the lost and confused souls that would populate the writer’s later

I swear to God, If I could be one tenth of what Samuel
Beckett was I could die a happy man.

Changing the Fish Tank Water must frighten  my fish. A huge
tube sucks out all the water you live in and scrapes around in the
blue gravel.  It’s got to be equivalent to a 5 on the 
Fujita Scale of Tornado Intensity.

You’ll notice my unworthy praise to Beckett in the Upper Right Hand

Did you know Dukes has Quesadilla’s? They look pretty tasty, well,
tasty to people who enjoy food.

Today’s Featured Item:

I found this on Amazon.com weeks ago in my daily rummaging and it
has haunted my dreams ever since that day.

I thought of buying it for someone I know (Yes, I know Someone),
but realized that would be the equivalent of handing over my immortal
soul to Satan himself.

Maybe someday they will come out with a version of The Lord of
the Rings
that is Narrated by James Earl Jones – That would be Hot
because James Earl Jones is James Earl Jones. Plus, he would be
reading The Lord of the Rings.

Oh, on a side note, that David Bowie CD is under 8 bucks.

Alright you sack-fed muck wompets, here is what you came for – the
hilarious or frightening picture of the day:

This is Funny Because:

a) Slimer is drinking

b) Slimer is vomiting

c) Slimer is vomiting on another person

d) The vomitee is wearing Abercrombie and Fitch (presumably)

e) Frat Boys getting vomited on is Hilarious. You know it, I know
it, and the American people know it.

Ray Stantz: You know, it just occurred to me that
we really haven’t had a successful test of this equipment.
Egon Spengler: I blame myself.
Peter Venkman: So do I.
Ray Stantz: Well, no sense in worrying about it now.
Peter Venkman: Why worry? Each one of us is carrying an unlicensed
nuclear accelerator on his back.

Rest In Peace Bill Murray. He’s not dead? What?
Dammit people, keep me informed.

I have fond memories of watching Bill Murray in